Pedro Arroba is a romantic. Who else would go against the grain to start an unconventional food business with just $600 in his pocket? A life-long celiac, Pedro couldn’t find the quality of baked goods that he craved, so he began making them himself. That was 20 years ago, long before health-conscious urbanites made gluten-free a popular culinary choice. Immediately, his breads stood out from the cardboard-tasting crowd, and his luscious baguette put Everybody Eats on the restaurant map.
To this day, Pedro runs his business uniquely. He answers the phone and return calls. If you order today, you have your delivery in one or two days. That stellar customer service is something that few competitors can lay claim to in the US. He once shipped a gluten-free wedding cake to Honolulu, and it arrived on time and in one piece.
Everybody Eats bakes its high-end products using up to 17 different ingredients to make up for what’s missing for those with allergies. It’s what gives the breads and sweets their rich flavor profile. Pedro believes that he needs to live up to the company’s name, so they started creating other kinds of allergy-free products, like breads without lactose, vegan baked goods, and they’re now working on making the kitchen GMO and sesame-free to add to their tree-nut-free facility. Pedro has managed to stay successful for two decades through listening to his customers.
Running Everybody Eats and living in New York City has made Pedro Arroba the happiest that he’s ever been. In the future, Pedro will dream up more divine breads and treats while continuing to turn allergy-free baking into an art form.